Useful Links:@HAPSeducation



Harpurhey Alternative Provision School

We teach students skills they need to transform themselves, others, and their communities.

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success


Re-engagement and Success Begins With Us

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

Welcome to HAPS. We hope that our website shows you what we stand for as a school, our achievements, and our commitment to the young people, families, schools & communities we serve.

We are fiercely proud of our young people. We expect a lot of them both inside and outside the classroom, and are confident that they will rise to the challenges that we set. We expect every HAPS young person to enjoy education, be successful academically and become self-disciplined, resilient and outward looking.  Our culture is celebratory and aspirational. Our school ethos is based around the four qualities that we hold most dear: 

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

Michael Hill — Headteacher

I wish I had known how good HAPS was going to be for me when I joined. Now I have been here and completed my GCSE’s I understand just how much they have helped me.

Former Year 11

Re-engagement and Success Begins With Us

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

At HAPS we offer a safe & supportive environment for young people to learn and grow with us. Our passion for learning means we achieve more than outstanding results. We strive to build confident and resilient individual and aim at delivering an education that is relative and supportive for their future.

We are an Alternative Provision School focused on safeguarding, social-emotional development and Core literacy and numeracy. Our young people leave with confidence progress and real-world skills ready for their next steps.

HAPS believes that school should be a place in which all students feel safe, valued and listened to. Staff at school take a considered and sensitive approach to supporting all our students and families. Our priority is to provide a safe environment for young people which enables them to learn and develop to their fullest potential. Everyone working at HAPS understands their responsibilities, roles and duties in providing effective safeguarding and protection of every young person in our care. Harpurhey Alternative Provision School believes in early identification of young people who are suffering or likely to suffer harm, taking appropriate action, and working closely with outside agencies to ensure the best for all our young people.

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

Latest News @HAPSeducation

School opens for the Autumn term:

Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 0845 am

You can see our school calendar here

Student review week: 8th July to 11th July 2024:

Student review week took place during the week beginning Monday 8th July 2024. This is a very important time for us as we get to share the progress and achievement of our young people with their parents and home schools at the same time. Our students shine brightly, and it always humbles me to hear the hugely positive comments about the progress families feel being made by their child.

This review week we achieved 94.7% parental engagement. This is a new record high for us. It also demonstrates very clearly the value the families put in HAPS and the work we do with their young people.

I am so proud to be responsible for their education and development. This is made such a success by the partnership work done by the students, their parents, their home schools and HAPS.

Thank you all, Michael.

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

GCSE Digital Art Portfolio – summer ’24

A students GCSE digital Art portfolio showcasing the learning journey he has been on with his art & design whilst @HAPSeducation

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

Think before you post

People may behave differently online than they do in person – the large audience is invisible, so many feel protected by their screens. This can be a positive thing, like someone feeling more confident to open up and be themselves. But sometimes people will misuse social networks to shame and bully others.

Posting online is instant, public and more often than not, permanent. Once you post, you lose  control of what happens to it – it only takes one friend to share it on their own profiles for it to be completely out of your hands..

The digital world is the real world with real consequences, so make sure you always ask yourself the following before you hit send! CLICK HERE FOR MORE SUPPORT

Think Before You Share

To help create the best version of your online story, remember to think before you share. Anything you post online can be forwarded, copied, and found, and travel farther than you intended it to. What you share, and who you share it with, can end up saying a lot about you. So remember to be thoughtful! CLICK HERE FOR MORE SUPPORT

Student Progress Review Week 18th March to 21st March 2024

We were very exited that we were able to share the progress of our young people with their families/carers and home schools in another hugely successful Student progress review week. Some of the kind comments made by the families were truly humbling – a massive thank you to every one that works so hard for every singe individual young person.

An amazing 84% Parent/Carer Participation
Collaborative working at its very best

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

Important letter from the Chair of Governors

“we are keen to offer a place on our governing body to any parent or guardian who feels that they might be able to offer some additional support to the school. If you would like to know more about the role of governor, please do take the time to contact the school and I (Colin) will happily take the time to call you and talk through with you what is involved”

National Careers Week 2024: 4th – 9th March:

About National Careers Week.

National Careers Week (NCW) is a one-week celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. Our aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways.

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

  • No registration required
  • No data is collected from students.
  • Tons of opportunities for students to explore

4th – 9th March 2024

Year 10 Work Experience Week – April 2024

Work Experience Monday 22nd to Friday 26th April 2024

UPDATE Tuesday 23rd April 2024 – We want to wish all our year 10 students who are currently out on work experience a very good St. Georges day. We are all so proud of you yesterday, day one of your work experience – 100% attendance and 100% engagement.

We are excited that this year we can offer the opportunity for Year 10 to take part in work experience. It is incredibly important for students to enjoy experiencing the world of work first hand. Furthermore, with the current economic environment, employers place a high value on relevant work experience and an opportunity to demonstrate good employability skills. 


Work experience is when students spend time in an adult working environment carrying out tasks and duties more or less as an employee. The placement will not necessarily reflect the eventual career choice of the student but should allow a broad experience of the workplace and an opportunity to develop skills for the future. 

The Benefits of work Experience 

Work experience helps students to: 

  • Understand the world of work 
  • Improve and appreciate their skills and talents 
  • Gain confidence 
  • Accept the importance of school work and achieving good qualifications 
  • Gain knowledge of particular jobs or careers 
The deadline for returning your completed Work Experience form is Friday 15th March 2024

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

Year 11 Careers interviews – March/April ’24

All the year 11 homes schools arrange times for their careers specialists to be able to conduct virtual careers interview with their students – These careers interview are supported by staff from HAPS.

Macbeth Trip – March 8th 2024:

The Macbeths seem to have it all – but a mysterious prophecy soon leads to treachery, murder and the disintegration of everything they hold dear. Ambition has never been more bloody.

GCSE revision trip- we are off to the Palace Theatre for a special schools performance of Macbeth that supports the students learning.

STUDENT REVIEW WEEK – 18th to 22nd March 2024

The week beginning Monday 18th March 2024 is our Student Review Week. This means students will have been given an appointment time to come into school to meet with their home school & HAPS staff to discuss their progress. If you haven’t had an appointment time letter sent to you and a reminder text message, please contact us and we can make sure you are able to share in your Childs success at HAPS.

Last review day –
A record 91% Parent/Carer Participation
Collaborative working at its very best

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

Enrichment Week – 15th to 19th July 2024

We will be running a range of activities and trips during our enrichment week. Fingers crossed for the good weather so we can go to the seaside on one day.

These activities have been selected to give our young people experiences that are different and alternative to those which they normally experience.

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success


We are able to provide support for parents/carers with helping their child to read and to develop a love of reading. If you would like advice or guidance about how to support your child, please get in touch with HAPS and we will do all we can to help.

Please here to download a leaflet about how to help your child with reading. If you would prefer a paper version, let us know and we will get one to you.

This is an archive article. It is now a moment in time. The date of May/June 2022 is proving to be a legacy set down and replicated in 2023.

In 2023, 100% attendance, 100% punctuality, 100% engagement led to very single student passing every GCSE they were entered for. Every student met or exceeded expectations based on prior performance. EVERY SINGLE STUDENT OVERCAME THIER OWN PERSONAL BARRIERS AND SET THEM ASIDE AND FOCUSED AND EXCELLED.


Words can not describe what you have done – #PROUD

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success

Humbled & Without words

Our year 11 students completing their GCSE exams – phenomenal

WALK TALL HAPS Y11Raise your heads up very high, you have done more than most and been an absolute credit to HAPS -we are all proud beyond words in what you have achieved.

Without words – It has been an amazing and emotional journey that has been an absolute privilege for everyone fortunate to have been involved. All our student that have engaged with HAPS have 100% participation in their GCSE examinations.

Overcoming barriers and hurdles that are beyond comprehension.

Your integrity and honesty have shone through.

Go well, be very proud, your future starts now!

Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success