Careers Programme 2024-25
Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is an essential part of the support we offer to students at HAPS. Effective careers support is a vital part of the curriculum and helps to prepare young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they will encounter as they prepare for transition to/from or within HAPS or their transition to a post-16 destination and beyond. As options for young people become more varied and complex, it is vital that we support our students to develop the knowledge and skills they need to make informed choices for their future. Whilst the structured programme is clearly defined, it is incumbent on all members of staff to take the opportunities, when they arise, to support the delivery of CEIAG provision both within and beyond the taught curriculum.
Aims and objectives
The HAPS careers programme aims to:
- encourage students to be ambitious, broaden their horizons and explore their own career aspirations throughout their time at school
- ensure students’ readiness to take their next step in their learning or career.
The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks for Excellence in Careers Education |
1. A stable careers programme |
2. Learning from careers and labour market information |
3. Addressing the needs of each student. |
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers. |
5. Encounters with employers and employees. |
6. Experiences of workplaces. |
7. Encounters with further and higher education. |
8. Personal guidance. |
Whole School Strategies
Activity | Details | Gatsby Benchmarks |
Skills for Life embedded in the curriculum | The foundation for Skills For Life is based upon research carried out by UK Youth Employment which reviewed 13 skill-based frameworks and 86 reports regarding young people, skills and employment. This research identified that the top five universal skills are: CommunicationProblem solvingSelf-belief (Inc: motivation, resilience and positive attitude)Self-management (Inc: initiative, organisation and accountability)TeamworkAll curriculum areas ensure there are opportunities in their subject so that our pupils can see the multiple contexts where they are developing their skills. | 3,4 |
National Careers Week 04th -09thMarch 2024 | Drop down activities within HAPSResources shared with staffEvents and activities celebrated on X for March | 1,2,3,4, |
Parent/Carer reviews | Half termly updates on Careers topics such as, LMI, post 16 pathways and any key dates, such as college application deadlines etc | 2,3 |
Apprenticeship Week | Examples of apprenticeships available locally shared with pupils during form timeRoutes in to apprenticeships – providersTraineeships (where available) | 1,2,3,4,5 |
On-line Resources | Use of HAPS website within PSHE lessons (KS3)/Vocational Carousel (KS4) enables pupils to access up to date LMI and explore a wide range of careers and the pathways into these. On this site stereotypes are challenged and diverse role models highlighted in job profiles.PSHE can be used by pupils to record their careers activities, develop a CV and complete quizzes to identify their skills and preferences.Websites shared with pupils and available as links on the school website. | 1,2,3 |
Careers in the Curriculum Weeks 4-8th Dec 2023 04th -09th March 2024 (also National Careers Week) 3-7th June 2024 National Apprenticeship Week:5-11th Feb 2024 | Opportunity for all teachers to make explicit links in their lessons to the careers that their subjects link to. | |
Enrichment Opportunities | Pupils have regular opportunities to take part in a number of visits and trips which will incorporate visits to a wide variety of workplaces and encounters with employers. Opportunities to highlight career pathways will be taken by staff. | 4,5,6,7 |
Year 7
Activity | Details | Gatsby Benchmarks |
PSHE Curriculum | Developing skills and aspiration: Intro to careers and jobs; raising aspirations; different types and patterns of work; managing money. Community and careers:Equality of opportunity in careers and life choices; teamwork and enterprising skills; Being a critical consumer. | 1,2,3,4 |
Year 8
Activity | Details | Gatsby Benchmarks |
PSHE Curriculum | Developing skills and aspiration: Intro to careers and jobs; raising aspirations; different types and patterns of work; managing money. Community and careers:Equality of opportunity in careers and life choices; teamwork and enterprising skills; Being a critical consumer. | 1,2,3,4 |
Year 9
Activity | Details | Gatsby Benchmarks |
PSHE Curriculum | Employability skills and setting goals: Career options; setting goals for KS4; employability and online presence; managing financial risks. | 1,2,3,4 |
Year 10
Activity | Details | Gatsby Benchmarks |
Work related learning Curriculum | Financial decision making: Saving; borrowing; budgeting; personal finance, public spending and economic citizenship. Careers Exploration and Planning | 1,2,3,4 |
Year 11
Activity | Details | Gatsby Benchmarks |
Work Related Learning Curriculum | Home Schools will visit HAPS and provide guidance on how to complete application forms, write a CV and advise on interview skills in conjunction with HAPS staff | 1,2,3,4 |
One to One Guidance | All students receive at least 1 careers guidance interview from their home school careers advisor (Career Connect). Pupils who are LAC or high risk of NEET or with an EHCP have additional guidance. Students with poor attendance will be visited at home. | 1,2,3,8 |
College Open Days | HAPS will inform Y10 and 11 pupils about college open events and encourage them to attend.Pupils who are high risk of NEET or who may face additional challenges with transition to college will be taken on a visit by staff. | 1,3,7 |
Mock Interviews | Staff from our home schools Advisor to mock interviews with guidance for all pupils in HAPS | 1,3,5, |
PSHE | Financial decision making: The impact of financial decisions and financial planning; income and deductions; debt; gambling; the impact of advertising on financial choices | 1,2,3,4 |
*This is a working document and subject to additions and revisions.
Activities will be evaluated through both formal and informal methods, seeking the views of pupils, employers/providers, parents/carers and teachers.