Blood Brothers Theatre Trip – Wednesday 27th November ’24
As part of our GCSE English Literature course we study Blood Brothers. What better way to get to know the story than to enjoy a trip to the theatre to watch the show?
Written by Willy Russell, the legendary Blood Brothers tells the captivating and moving tale of twins who, separated at birth, grow up on opposite sides of the tracks, only to meet again with fateful consequences
HAPS will be visiting The Palace Theatre Manchester on Wednesday 27th November 2024 to enjoy a matinee performance.

Few musicals have received quite such acclaim as the multi-award winning BLOOD BROTHERS.
OFSTED report October 2024:

Click here for a copy of our latest Standard OFSTED report
The school works closely with pupils’ home schools, along with parents and carers, to provide them with a robust and welcoming induction programme.
Pupils benefit from the calm and respectful environment that exists at the school.
They value the positive working relationships they have with staff, who care for them well. Most pupils live up to the high expectations the school has of their behaviour and conduct.
Pupils are happy.
Student review week: Thursday 7th November 2024:
We are holding our Autumn term 1 review day on Thursday 7th November 2024. All students families/carers have been sent a letter inviting them in at their appointment time. Families/carers and their student attend for their appointment time only. The are not required to attend for the rest of the day.
Home schools will be present for your Childs review, and future targets set as part of the meeting – it is essential that you make the appointment. If there are any issues please call school ASAP so that we can discuss possible ways to overcome the problem.
Student review week: 8th July to 11th July 2024:

Student review week took place during the week beginning Monday 8th July 2024. This is a very important time for us as we get to share the progress and achievement of our young people with their parents and home schools at the same time. Our students shine brightly, and it always humbles me to hear the hugely positive comments about the progress families feel being made by their child.
This review week we achieved 94.7% parental engagement. This is a new record high for us. It also demonstrates very clearly the value the families put in HAPS and the work we do with their young people.
I am so proud to be responsible for their education and development. This is made such a success by the partnership work done by the students, their parents, their home schools and HAPS.
Thank you all, Michael.
Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success
GCSE Digital Art Portfolio – summer ’24
A students GCSE digital Art portfolio showcasing the learning journey he has been on with his art & design whilst @HAPSeducation
Hardwork: Aspire: Progress: Success
Important letter from the Chair of Governors

“we are keen to offer a place on our governing body to any parent or guardian who feels that they might be able to offer some additional support to the school. If you would like to know more about the role of governor, please do take the time to contact the school and I (Colin) will happily take the time to call you and talk through with you what is involved”